Helping to change lives, One heart at a time.
At TLH, the focus is to provide comfortable, quality living in surroundings conducive to abstinence, recovery and personal growth. Providing a safe and attractive living environment for men and women is the cornerstone of TLH. Our homes are a cost-effective way to help our members live more stable, productive lives.
No matter the circumstance everyone deserves a safe place to call home.

“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.”
“Though nobody can go back and make a new beginning, anyone can start over and make a new ending.”​​
“You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your biggest miracle.”

How Transformational Living Homes (TLH) Works…
TLH homes strive to promote and foster the “Family" experience of recovery! Living in any TLH home is profound and more effective than an individual living alone or in other challenged environments! The fellowship and therapeutic atmosphere of our homes are incomparable! Each member reinforces their own recovery through the “caring support” that comes from other recovering members in our homes. Each and every resident is a member of the “Family” and is encouraged to participate. Clean & Sober living is a sacred and honorable experience! TLH homes strive to promote and foster the “We” experience of recovery!
TLH operates as a “Family” with shared house responsibilities that contribute to feeling productive, building self-esteem with the assurance that our homes remain a clean, safe and a healthy environment for recovery!
Our approach succeeds because we encourage you to assume responsibility for yourself as part of this “family”. We create a clean, safe, wholesome and loving environment with structure through accountability and responsibility. We adhere to house standards to nurture our common goal: living Clean and Sober!
A word about TLH Standards…
• Maintain a daily commitment to a “Clean & Sober” lifestyle!
• Practice a recovery program
• Respect and honor house standards
At TLH we house our members in homes with all the amenities that typically come with living in a house—comfortable furnishings, the ability to cook/prepare your own food, the comfort and security of personal & private space, and most importantly, a Family environment.
Our homes are…
• Completely furnished
• Provide Free – Wi-Fi, utilities, telephone (local and long distance)
• On site washer / dryer
• Close to Public Transportation & Shopping